Membership offers a great opportunity to meet other people with similar interests, correspond with them, and cultivate new friendships. As a member of the Association, you will receive 8 issues of The CN Journal during the calendar year which carries articles on Canadian coins, paper money, medals, tokens and many other numismatic subjects. The CN Journal has been published since 1956 and has carried many of the most important papers written that relate to Canadian numismatics. As a member, you will be able to submit your articles for consideration and have the pleasure of seeing them in print in the national Journal of numismatics. A number of these articles have also been published in French. View sample articles from The CN Journal. View a sample issue of the The CN Journal Online
Members have access to the Association's extensive book lending library. Members may borrow books just for the cost of postage (a special postage rate applies if shipped to Canadian addresses). For a complete listing of books visit the RCNA Book Lending Library.
Slides, VCR tapes (VHS format) and 16 mm films may also be borrowed from the RCNA Audio Visual Lending Library, for a flat fee of $5.00 (if shipped to Canadian addresses). For a catalogue of programs and full details on borrowing items, check out the RCNA Video Catalogue.
The Journal also carries advertisements by dealers and other members, and information about other RCNA activities. You will be able to advertise your coins, and buy from, or sell to, other members. Here are the rates.
As a member, you are eligible to receive the Canadian Numismatic Correspondence Course Part I, or the new part II, at a reduced cost. Well over 2,000 courses have been shipped since the introduction of Part I.
Upon completion, participants receive a Certificate of Completion suitable for framing.
Learn more about Canadian Numismatic Correspondence Course - Part I or Canadian Numismatic Correspondence Course - Part II
The Canadian highlight of the numismatic year is the RCNA Annual Convention, which has been held annually in various cities across Canada since 1954.
The Convention is Canada's oldest continuing numismatic event where people with a common interest come together. Dealers from across Canada and the United States take bourse space at the Convention to offer a great variety of material for sale.
An auction helps collectors build their collections and provide a basis for determining values when buying or selling all kinds of numismatic material.
Other specialty numismatic organizations hold their annual meetings or conduct educational programs in conjunction with the annual convention.
Members of the RCNA exhibit items from their collections, as do Canadian institutions such as the Royal Canadian Mint and the Bank of Canada.
The Convention is also the setting for educational forums, annual general membership meeting, club delegate meeting, banquet, awards presentations, tours, receptions, a hospitality suite and more.
Registration Kits contain souvenir convention medals struck at the Royal Canadian Mint.
Once you attend a RCNA Convention and join in the activities you will come back again and again.
The RCNA has negotiated a special discounted rate for members to insure their collections. Hugh Wood Canada Ltd., an international insurance broker based in Toronto, Ontario has been able to obtain excellent rates and a commitment from their underwriters at Lloyds to provide full coverage to all members of the R.C.N.A.
For more information about joining the RCNA, please refer to our Membership page.
View our Membership Application form (PDF).
The Royal Canadian Numismatic Association
5694 Highway #7 East, Suite 432
Markham ON Canada L3P 1B4
Telephone: 647-401-4014
To request a sample of The CN Journal, our official publication, without cost or obligation, please call 647-401-4014 or e-mail your name and mailing address to us at
Vous aurez la chance de rencontrer des gens qui partagent votre passion, de correspondre avec eux et de vous forger de nouvelles amitiés. Vous recevrez le Journal de la numismatique canadienne dix fois l'an. Ce journal contient des articles sur les monnaies, les médailles, les jetons et le papier-monnaie du Canada ainsi que sur d'autres sujets numismatiques. Publié depuis 1956, on retrouve dans Le Journal de la numismatique canadienne, les travaux les plus importants sur la numismatique canadienne. Vous pourrez même soumettre vos articles. Des efforts concertés sont présentement faits pour augmenter le bilinguisme dans le Journal. Voici un aperçu.
Vous pourrez emprunter des livres de la bibliothèque numismatique la plus importante au pays (membres canadiens seulement) et ce, que pour les frais de poste (au tarif préférentiel - très réduit - des bibliothèques). Consultez la liste des livres disponibles.
Vous pourrez également emprunter des présentations audiovisuelles (diapositives, cassettes vidéo [format VHS], films 16 mm) pour la modique somme de 5,00 $ (membres canadiens seulement). Consultez la liste de présentation audiovisuelles disponibles.
Le Journal contient également des publicités et annonces classées qui vous permettent d'acheter et de vendre des articles numismatiques. Consultez les frais de publicité.
Vous aurez droit à un rabais sur les frais du Cours de numismatique canadienne par correspondance partie 1 (disponible en français ou en anglais) et partie 2 (disponible qu'en anglais). Complétez le cours et recevez un certificat.
Depuis 1954 les numismates et collectionneurs canadiens se rencontrent au congrès annuel de l'ARNC. Cet évènement, qui se promène d'un bout à l'autre du pays, permet aux congressistes de rencontrer d'autres collectionneurs des marchands de monnaies de partout au Canada et aux États-Unis et de participer à des colloques et à des réunions de clubs spécialisés (collectionneurs de jetons, papier-monnaie, coupons Canadian Tire, etc.). Lorsque vous aurez participé vous ne pourrez vous en passer! Voici un aperçu.
Vous pouvez profiter d'un taux préférentiel pour assurer votre collection de monnaies - réservé exclusivement aux membres de l'ARNC. Pour en savoir davantage.
Pour devenir membre de l'ARCN, veuillez consulter la page d'Adhésion.
Voir notre formulaire d'adhésion (PDF).
L'Association royale de numismatique du Canada
5694 autoroute #7 Est, Suite 432
Markham (Ont) Canada L3P 1B4
Courriel :
Demandez un exemplaire gratuit du Journal de la numismatique canadienne.